Thursday, 9 March 2017

How Authors can Get the Best from KBoards


What is KBoards?

KBoards being a community for Kindle users and authors, presents a great platform for authors to socialize and connect with readers.

It was formerly called Kindleboards before it was rebranded KBoards. Its main author forums are listed below:
  • The Book Corner: This is a forum where readers share book reviews, recommendations, and new book discoveries.
  • Writers Cafe: This is where you find all discussions about ebooks and self-publishing in the areas of Writing, formatting, publishing, and marketing. It is a forum for authors to socialize and share ideas.
  • The Book Bazaar: This is a forum for authors to post announcements of their free and bargain books so that readers can browse through to find their favorite from the books.

Creating KBoards Account

To create your own KBoards Account, follow these steps:
  • Go to or click here to go the site directly.
  • Click the "register" link.
  • Under the registration agreement, click the link " I accept the terms of the agreement".
  • Fill the provided fields with the required information (username, email, password).
  • Answer the two questions.
  • Click the "Register" button.
  • Login to the email you used to register and click the KBoards' activation link to complete your registration.

Set up Your KBoards Profile

Once you are logged in to KBoards, you can set up your profile as follows:
  • To be able to modify your profile, make sure you have made at least one post since you signed up.
  • Click on the menu "My KBoards"
  • From the list, click "Profile".
  • Click the link "Modify profile" and from the list click "Account Settings".
  • From here, you can set a new password and then click "Change profile" button at the bottom of the page.
  • To further modify your profile, scroll to the top of the page and click the link "At this link" under "Note".
  • From there, you can fill the provided fields with your website or blog, upload your avatar, and select your gender.
  • Then click the "Change profile" button.
My KBoards Profile

Create Your KBoards Signature

To create your KBoards' signature which will be at the bottom of all your posts and comments in the forums, follow these steps:
  • Click on the "Author" menu.
  • From the list, click "Author Signature Tool" or click here to access the signature tool. 
  • Select the region ".com or .co.UK".
  • Under "book", input the ASIN of the books you want to show in your forum signature.
  • Add your website and social media links under "links".
  • Input your author brand short and long descriptions in the fields provided.
  • Check the box on " Show flags for worldwide readers".
  • Click the "Preview" button.
  • Check the box for "Update KBoards forum profile".
  • Chose the signature format as either (1, 2, or 3) by selecting the appropriate option button.
  • Click the "Save" button just under under signature format 3.
KBoards signature tool

KBoards Link maker

You use "link maker" to add links of Amazon items on your forum posts. To use it,
  • Click on the "Author" menu.
  • Click on "Link Maker" or click here to access link maker. 
  • Search for the item using the search box.
  • Click on the item in the search results. 
  • Select the link code on the right side of the screen and copy/paste it into your forum post.
KBoards link maker tool

Tips on How Authors can Get the Best from KBoards

To get the best from KBoards as an author, follow these simple tips.
  • Update your profile with links to your website or blog and social media.
  • Upload a good avatar.
  • Create your forum signature.
  • Be active in "The Book Bazar" forum.
  • Post your New Release, Free and Countdown Deal books in the "Book Bazar" forum.
  • Socialize with other authors.
  • You can even use KBoards paid adverts to promote your books.
  • Also make sure any of your books you post about in the Book Bazar forum is by the pen name you use to register your KBoards' account, otherwise it will be removed by the moderators.

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