
Saturday, 12 November 2016

When to Go Nuclear in Formatting your eBook

Microsoft Word book formatting

Formatting and preparing your manuscript for publishing as an eBook or print book using Microsoft Word can be quite easy but requires paying attention to details. For instance, you must avoid the use of the Enter and back-space keys in your keyboard.

So, when you encounter formatting errors in your Microsoft Word formatted eBook during publishing and those errors refuses to be fixed when you attempt taking care of the issue, this is what you shouldn do.

How To Resolve Errors In Microsoft Word Formatted eBook 

  • Go nuclear with it i.e copy and paste the entire manuscript into Notepad to get rid of all the previous formatting.
  • Copy it from notepad.
  • Open a new Microsoft Word document and paste it there.
  • Save it now as a .doc file.
  • Reformat it to your taste, and go ahead to republish it.
  • Make use of styles to properly format it this time around.

Good luck and happy publishing.

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